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Degayo Tour is located in Takengon, within the The Gayo Highlands region of Aceh Province in northern Sumatra. It is a high plateau in the center of the province, and beautiful. The Gayo Highlands is only accessible by road and the main highway (trans-Sumatran highway) heads south from Banda Aceh.

You can get there by plane, car or bus. The closest airport will be Lhokseumawe airport. *Arrive here and our 7 seated Toyota Innova will fetch you here and bring directly to Takengon. This is only for those who take the Degayo Tour package.

Minivans run directly to Takengon, which is the first stop. Journey time is around 8 hours from Banda Aceh. Minibuses from Medan take around 10 hours to reach Takengon.

Here is travel method that can be used to get here